Friday, November 26, 2010
Benefits of Market Resea
The information obtained through a market research usually reliable and should be used as a guide for developing business strategies.
Market research is a guide for communicating with current and potential customers
If you do good research, the results will help design an effective marketing campaign, which give potential consumers the information that they are interested.
The research helps to identify market opportunities
For example, if you plan to start a business in certain geographical location and discovers that there is little competition there, then you’ve identified an opportunity. The opportunities for success are increased if the region where you intend to do business is highly populated and the residents have the characteristics of the selected group.
Market research minimizes the risk
If instead of identifying market opportunities, research results indicate that it should not continue with the plan of action, then it’s time to make adjustments. For example, if the findings show that the market is saturated with the type of service or product you plan to offer, then you know that it might be better to move to another location.
Market research identifies potential problems
Through research can discover, for example, that in the place where you build your business, the municipality plans to build an overpass or an alternate route in order to relieve traffic congestion. You have by identifying a potential problem!
Market research helps you evaluate the results of their efforts
With the investigation can determine whether it has achieved the goals and objectives proposed to start the business.
Market research is a guide for communicating with current and potential customers
If you do good research, the results will help design an effective marketing campaign, which give potential consumers the information that they are interested.
The research helps to identify market opportunities
For example, if you plan to start a business in certain geographical location and discovers that there is little competition there, then you’ve identified an opportunity. The opportunities for success are increased if the region where you intend to do business is highly populated and the residents have the characteristics of the selected group.
Market research minimizes the risk
If instead of identifying market opportunities, research results indicate that it should not continue with the plan of action, then it’s time to make adjustments. For example, if the findings show that the market is saturated with the type of service or product you plan to offer, then you know that it might be better to move to another location.
Market research identifies potential problems
Through research can discover, for example, that in the place where you build your business, the municipality plans to build an overpass or an alternate route in order to relieve traffic congestion. You have by identifying a potential problem!
Market research helps you evaluate the results of their efforts
With the investigation can determine whether it has achieved the goals and objectives proposed to start the business.
Foreign Exchange Forex Investment
When we talk about currency forex first thing that pops into your head to the vast majority of people is that it is an investment which can not be accessed so easily because of how difficult it might be to use.
A comparison of this to enter the forex currency trading is simple, and that to participate in these one must be aware of all the basics are handled, it is also necessary to understand the basic operation of forex currency.
In the forex market currencies is possible to win money in a short time due to the operation of these investments. Many investors earn good money in no time.
This is because virtually in forex currency market rises and falls constantly. For this reason this type of investments are ranked among the most risky. As is known, higher-return investments are always risky.
A clear example of how variable are the forex currency is when we change our national currency for dollars to go on holiday to other countries. If we try to reverse that we can see that in most cases the value has changed by increasing or decreasing
A comparison of this to enter the forex currency trading is simple, and that to participate in these one must be aware of all the basics are handled, it is also necessary to understand the basic operation of forex currency.
In the forex market currencies is possible to win money in a short time due to the operation of these investments. Many investors earn good money in no time.
This is because virtually in forex currency market rises and falls constantly. For this reason this type of investments are ranked among the most risky. As is known, higher-return investments are always risky.
A clear example of how variable are the forex currency is when we change our national currency for dollars to go on holiday to other countries. If we try to reverse that we can see that in most cases the value has changed by increasing or decreasing
Rules for the Forex Market
The forex market is an investment that involves the buying and selling foreign currencies. Especially the dollar, pound sterling, the euro and the yen. The forex market investing more money moves into the world market.
Investments in the forex market are often the most risky because currency instability. For these reasons before making such investments is advisable to have a preliminary study of the subject, we should also be guided by experts on the subject.
When making investments in the forex market the best we can do is follow certain rules so as not to risk losing all our capital in one move. It is better to study a bit and learn to do things right.
Then we will see the rules for investing in the forex market. If we follow these we can achieve great benefits.
The first thing to do in the forex market investments is to look how much we are willing to lose and not to increase that amount. Also we should not go into debt to invest in the forex market
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tere Bin Laden 2010
Directed by : Abhishek Sharma
Produced by : Pooja Shetty Deora
Aarti shetty
Sharan kapoor. 
Music: Shankar ehsaan loy
Ali hassan: Ali zafar
Noora: Pradhuman singh
Zoya : Sugandha Garg
Qureshi: Rahul singh
Ali hassan is a happy go lucky chap , whose only ambition is to go to the united states of america.
All his attempts to reach there go haywire . He tries different ways to get to the U.S. , one fine day he visits , a poultry farm owned by a village resident noora somewhere in rural pakistan. He is introduced to Noora by Majeed .
Ali hassan makes his living by working for a flop tv news channel in downtown karachi. The owner is a fool himself, whose subordinated are mightier fools themselves. When a press conference is to be telecast , the cameraman focuses on the top of a seated dignitaries head.
But one lazy evening , ali spots osama bin laden on the news channel, he recollects meeting noora , who bears an uncanny resemblance to bin laden.
Noora is asked by hasan and his group of friends, to talk about his poultry farm , is given false hopes of becoming famous throughout the world.
here in thrives hillarity , wherein Majeed the arabic translator script's Osama 's message to the west , telecasts noora who has to speak arabic words containing osama's threatening messages.
Hillarity ensues , when Qureshi a RJ , whose views are completely anti west , is asked to emulate Osama's voice.
Qureshi, Ali, Zoya a beauty parlour owner , now are involved in a plot to deliver the fake osama tape , so that they can make up for 2 lakh rupees that ali requires to fly to the U.S.
All the parties are benefited , but when afghanistan is bombed by the u.s. , situations turn for the worse, a hunt for osama by u.s forces begins.
Is destiny to incur its wrath on the trio or bad times are a beginning for a larger good.
Watch all the fun , humor working its way to glory , in an unconventional film , with a funny ending yet a deep message for humanity at large. Brilliant direction, mind blowing performance by the actors, simple yet wholesome, that's tere bin laden in a few words.
Forex Tips For Newbies
you are a newbie in the Forex market, you surely must know that this is a very risky business. No doubt, the trading in financial markets is a sphere of activity, which gives a chance to become rich and independent, even a simple man who has no experience in conducting financial transactions and business activities can be engaged in Forex market. This is exactly what attracts many newbies to Forex, sad as this may sound they usually end up losing money.
However I hope you will not be the one and if you have nevertheless decided to engage in Forex trading, then at least check out some simple tips that I have here.
The first advice to the newbie Forex trader: spend several months on reading Forex literature and studying forex market, be sure that the knowledge that you gain during this time, will save you money in the future.
Coming up with some more simple tips:
However I hope you will not be the one and if you have nevertheless decided to engage in Forex trading, then at least check out some simple tips that I have here.
Coming up with some more simple tips:
- Decide on the amount of money that you can afford to lose
- Never aspire to earn all the money immediately
- Do not loss the whole deposit for short run
- Remember that all new tactics, strategies, indicators, etc. 80-90% are well-forgotten old ones;
- Block others’ opinions
- If you are not sure you had better step aside
- Do not trade too many currencies simultaneously
- Find yourself a good Forex specialist who will explain the principles and practice, who will be experienced in the techniques of successful trading;
- Always be prepared for losses and take them with dignity
- Remember that the money – it’s just money, your life is much more important.
Forex Market Participants
If you follow up our posts then you must already have some idea about Forex market, however I will mention that Forex ( Foreign exchange market) is the international currency market, where buying and selling of national currencies takes place.
Well we have covered this up now let’s go on.
Transactions in the Forex market are conducted through a system of institutions such as commercial, investment and central banks, insurance and other companies, as well as through brokers and dealers. Consequently all they are the main actors in the Forex market. Each member has its own trading volume on the foreign exchange market. For example, the highest turnover is carried out by central banks; trading volume exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars a day. Less turnover comes from commercial banks and dealers. Daily turnover of brokers estimated 25-50 million U.S. dollars, representing only 2% of the total trading Forex. Now let’s discuss them separately.

indirect influence of the central banks is regulating interest rates in the market and the money supply.
Among the major influential banks are: FED (Federal Reserve) – the U.S. central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank – Germany’s central bank, Bank of England – Britain’s central bank, etc.

It is worth noting that the main volumes of international currency transactions are carried out exactly through commercial banks. Other participants of the Forex market open accounts in commercial banks and with these accounts they carry out deposits, credit and foreign exchange operations. Operations with clients allows commercial banks to identify and accumulate the needs of the foreign exchange market in foreign exchange transactions.
Well , now you already know about the main participants of the Forex market.
Come back to us for more info!
Well we have covered this up now let’s go on.
Transactions in the Forex market are conducted through a system of institutions such as commercial, investment and central banks, insurance and other companies, as well as through brokers and dealers. Consequently all they are the main actors in the Forex market. Each member has its own trading volume on the foreign exchange market. For example, the highest turnover is carried out by central banks; trading volume exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars a day. Less turnover comes from commercial banks and dealers. Daily turnover of brokers estimated 25-50 million U.S. dollars, representing only 2% of the total trading Forex. Now let’s discuss them separately.
Central banks
Central banks are responsible for currency exchange regulations on the international market. They control and prevent abrupt changes of the national currencies in the Forex international market, thus protecting the country from economic crises and supporting a balance of imports and exports. Central banks can have a direct and indirect impact on the market. Direct influence comes in the form of currency intervention andindirect influence of the central banks is regulating interest rates in the market and the money supply.
Among the major influential banks are: FED (Federal Reserve) – the U.S. central bank, Deutsche Bundesbank – Germany’s central bank, Bank of England – Britain’s central bank, etc.
Commercial banks
Now let’s talk about the commercial banks.It is worth noting that the main volumes of international currency transactions are carried out exactly through commercial banks. Other participants of the Forex market open accounts in commercial banks and with these accounts they carry out deposits, credit and foreign exchange operations. Operations with clients allows commercial banks to identify and accumulate the needs of the foreign exchange market in foreign exchange transactions.
Individuals who are mediators that facilitate the conclusion of currency transactions, linking the seller with the buyer. The broker receives a commission for customer orders.Dealers
Companies or individuals that operate in the financial market at their own expense and on their behalf, that mean they engage in currency buying and selling and other operations on their own money.Well , now you already know about the main participants of the Forex market.
Come back to us for more info!
Forex news
fundamental imbalance, it created a revaluation or devaluation of theThe modern Forex market was established around 1973. But the Bretton-Woods Accord of 1944, which was established to stabilize the global economy after World War II, is generally accepted as the original beginning of the foreign exchange market. It created the concept of trading currencies against each other and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Currencies from around the world were fixed to the U.S. dollar, which in turn was fixed to gold prices in hopes of bringing stability to global Forex events. All currencies were allowed to fluctuate around that value but only within anarrow trading range. Central banks agreed to intervene in the event that their country’s currency moved or threatened to move outside that trading range. If the fixed value of a country’s currency shifted outside that trading range, that country had the right under the articles of the agreement to declare that a fundamental imbalance is in existence. As a result of this country’s currency.
fundamental imbalance, it created a revaluation or devaluation of theThe modern Forex market was established around 1973. But the Bretton-Woods Accord of 1944, which was established to stabilize the global economy after World War II, is generally accepted as the original beginning of the foreign exchange market. It created the concept of trading currencies against each other and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Currencies from around the world were fixed to the U.S. dollar, which in turn was fixed to gold prices in hopes of bringing stability to global Forex events. All currencies were allowed to fluctuate around that value but only within anarrow trading range. Central banks agreed to intervene in the event that their country’s currency moved or threatened to move outside that trading range. If the fixed value of a country’s currency shifted outside that trading range, that country had the right under the articles of the agreement to declare that a fundamental imbalance is in existence. As a result of this country’s currency.
In 1971, the accord finally failed, however, it did manage to stabilize major economies of the world, including those of America, Europe, and Asia.
In late 1971 and 1972, two more attempts were made to establish free-floating currencies against the U.S. dollar: the Smithsonian Agreement and the European Joint Float. To “float” a currency simply means to create a policy by which a strong economic currency is used, such as the U.S. dollar (USD), which in turn is anchored to the price of gold as a benchmark (also known as the gold standard) to bring stability to a volatile global economic situation. All other weaker economic currencies are then fixed against the USD and allowed to fluctuate, or float, no more than 1 percent on either side of the fixed rate. If the fixed rate moved more than 1 percent, the central bank of that country was required to intervene in the market until the exchange rate was brought back to within the 1 percent band.
The Smithsonian Agreement and the European Joint Float agreement were similar to the Bretton-Woods Accord but allowed a greater range of fluctuation in the currency values and widened the band in which currencies were allowed to trade.
The Smithsonian Agreement was just a modification of the Bretton- Woods Accord, with allowances for greater fluctuation, whereas the European Agreement aimed to reduce the dependence of European currencies on the U.S. dollar. But after the failure of the three agreements, nations were allowed to peg their currencies to “freely float,” eventually being mandated to do so in 1978 by the IMF. The free-floating system managed to continue for several years after the mandate, yet many countries with weaker currency values incurred major economic devaluation against certain countries that had stronger currency values.
European currencies were among those most affected by the strength of the U.S. dollar and the British pound (GBP). In July 1978, the European Monetary System was created to counter its dependence on the USD. But by 1993, it was clear that this European Monetary System had failed. Shortly thereafter, retail currency trading opportunities as we know them today started to be enjoyed by smaller investors willing to take similar risks as that of banks and large financial institutions.
European currencies were among those most affected by the strength of the U.S. dollar and the British pound (GBP). In July 1978, the European Monetary System was created to counter its dependence on the USD. But by 1993, it was clear that this European Monetary System had failed. Shortly thereafter, retail currency trading opportunities as we know them today started to be enjoyed by smaller investors willing to take similar risks as that of banks and large financial institutions.
By the late 1990s, stability issues arose in Europe, and major financial problems erupted in Asia. In 1997, there was a major currency crisis in Southeast Asia, which forced many of the countries’ economic currencies to float. The devaluation of currencies continued in the Asian currency markets, and confidence in trading the open Asian Forex markets began to fail. However, countries with stable currencies, and the concept of trading currencies, remained unchanged.
By the late 1990s, stability issues arose in Europe, and major financial problems erupted in Asia. In 1997, there was a major currency crisis in Southeast Asia, which forced many of the countries’ economic currencies to float. The devaluation of currencies continued in the Asian currency markets, and confidence in trading the open Asian Forex markets began to fail. However, countries with stable currencies, and the concept of trading currencies, remained unchanged.
By this point, the Europeans were already very comfortable with the concept of Forex trading, but the rest of the world was still unfamiliar. The establishment of the European Union in 1992 gave birth to the euro seven years later in 1999. The euro was the first single currency used as legal tender for the member states of the European Union and became the first currency to rival the historical leaders—the United States, Great Britain, and Japan—in the foreign exchange market by providing financial stability that Europe and the Forex market had long desired.
By this point, the Europeans were already very comfortable with the concept of Forex trading, but the rest of the world was still unfamiliar. The establishment of the European Union in 1992 gave birth to the euro seven years later in 1999. The euro was the first single currency used as legal tender for the member states of the European Union and became the first currency to rival the historical leaders—the United States, Great Britain, and Japan—in the foreign exchange market by providing financial stability that Europe and the Forex market had long desired.
Aishwarya Rai make Guzzrish …
When the Robot with Rajnikanth, and with the functioning of the Replayy Akshay Kumar, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan see Sanjay Leela Bhansali Guzaarish with Dylan Sprouse. This is what he has to say about his future gesture Guzzrish …
What are your expectations from Guzaarish?
It is very, very special film, because the very specific group worked very passionate piece of art would have been a huge effort. [3] [4], but everything worked tirelessly … that's the work carried out within the framework of the Sanjay (Leela Bhansali) is known only to the type.
Was it easy or difficult to smoke in the movie?
Have you seen it if you get choked while smoking Which speaks volumes of the trailer? my smoking.
Life or career, which is the one thing that you have made the largest guzaarish (upon request)?
I love my work (Council) too. So I can do anything one more take … that's what I call, times … most of the ' more than once, please '.
Guzaarish is yours with the third movie, Sanjay (after Google De Chuke Sanam Hum and Devdas) …
Yes I am happy to work with him. [1] [2] for the third time. Each of the experience acquired as a result of him has been exceedingly special, but Guzaarish has extra special … it is a beautiful piece of film and we are very proud of the fact. What is wonderful is that Sanjay and me is a connection where we are a very talkative among themselves; at the same time we are shining at sharing silences. We communicate via the silences so much that no one, of the one part, and to understand.Sanjay connection between, on the one hand, and to me, is very, very special … … for both of us creatively; and to meet the very.
You made three movies, Sanjay, what is your favourite?
Sanjay has always given me a strong characters. To Nandini (De Chuke Sanam Hum in Google).Sanjay presents his, as it is presented in conjunction with the five elements. What introduction and information about the character!And then, life journey he undertakes.The new operator, I examine the arc, character. Paro (Devdas), … by way, always calls me for Sanjay Parvati; he always says, "he is Parvati me".Paro is, different ceilings of aid intensity. I got again in to your feelings character.: Sophia Guzaarish has different Nandini and Paro, in the sense that this movie Sanjay has used my silences travel.
Sanjay's films are known for the poetical, something is not the general public.What do you say that?
Sanjay makes strong films … be it makes the moments or music or lyrics … they poetical film.As he describes the life of Guzaarish, a cup of coffee. [1] [2] but he makes all his films in core-training programmes.
It is my third movie, and Marsden (Jodha Akbar Dhoom and).
Nothing can be better, if two operators the opportunity to double-sided movies, but always give something different to the public, so that they do not feel "arre abhi abhi toh saw them collectively, the" Same happened to me and. Johnny.
After so many years before taking the decision validating the expenditure Bollywood, how you can vote yourself operator?
I am still a student. [1] [2] I always in my head of a student. [1] [2] they are my Gurus (teachers). I feel blessed who have worked for all the great directors and actors.
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What are your expectations from Guzaarish?
It is very, very special film, because the very specific group worked very passionate piece of art would have been a huge effort. [3] [4], but everything worked tirelessly … that's the work carried out within the framework of the Sanjay (Leela Bhansali) is known only to the type.
Was it easy or difficult to smoke in the movie?
Have you seen it if you get choked while smoking Which speaks volumes of the trailer? my smoking.
Life or career, which is the one thing that you have made the largest guzaarish (upon request)?
I love my work (Council) too. So I can do anything one more take … that's what I call, times … most of the ' more than once, please '.
Guzaarish is yours with the third movie, Sanjay (after Google De Chuke Sanam Hum and Devdas) …
Yes I am happy to work with him. [1] [2] for the third time. Each of the experience acquired as a result of him has been exceedingly special, but Guzaarish has extra special … it is a beautiful piece of film and we are very proud of the fact. What is wonderful is that Sanjay and me is a connection where we are a very talkative among themselves; at the same time we are shining at sharing silences. We communicate via the silences so much that no one, of the one part, and to understand.Sanjay connection between, on the one hand, and to me, is very, very special … … for both of us creatively; and to meet the very.
You made three movies, Sanjay, what is your favourite?
Sanjay has always given me a strong characters. To Nandini (De Chuke Sanam Hum in Google).Sanjay presents his, as it is presented in conjunction with the five elements. What introduction and information about the character!And then, life journey he undertakes.The new operator, I examine the arc, character. Paro (Devdas), … by way, always calls me for Sanjay Parvati; he always says, "he is Parvati me".Paro is, different ceilings of aid intensity. I got again in to your feelings character.: Sophia Guzaarish has different Nandini and Paro, in the sense that this movie Sanjay has used my silences travel.
Sanjay's films are known for the poetical, something is not the general public.What do you say that?
Sanjay makes strong films … be it makes the moments or music or lyrics … they poetical film.As he describes the life of Guzaarish, a cup of coffee. [1] [2] but he makes all his films in core-training programmes.
It is my third movie, and Marsden (Jodha Akbar Dhoom and).
Nothing can be better, if two operators the opportunity to double-sided movies, but always give something different to the public, so that they do not feel "arre abhi abhi toh saw them collectively, the" Same happened to me and. Johnny.
After so many years before taking the decision validating the expenditure Bollywood, how you can vote yourself operator?
I am still a student. [1] [2] I always in my head of a student. [1] [2] they are my Gurus (teachers). I feel blessed who have worked for all the great directors and actors.
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Aarti Chabria Cute and hot
Aarti Chabria
Aarti was born on 21 November 1982 in the Sindhi-speaking Chhabria family, who have no connections with Bollywood or any other Indian movie industry.
After completing her education, Aarti shot into fame when she was crowned Miss India in 2000. She then appeared in approximately 200 ads, for instance Krack Cream, Amul & Freshna, a music video for Sukhwinder Singh (Nashi Hi Nasha...); one titled 'Madhubala', one for Adnan Sami (Tera Chehera..) - which only added to her popularity.
She is fluent in Sindhi, Marathi, English, Hindi, and Gujerati.
She made her debut in Bollywood with 'Tum Se Aacha Kaun Hai' in 2002, but before that she had also acted in 'Akansha' and 'Lajja' in 1989 and 2001 respectively. Apart from acting in comedies, she has shown that she can be versatile for portraying the role of a woman with a split personality, and a conservative Muslim belle in love with an underworld don.
Acting was her childhood dream, and she admits that films are perfect for her and give her utmost satisfaction.
After completing her education, Aarti shot into fame when she was crowned Miss India in 2000. She then appeared in approximately 200 ads, for instance Krack Cream, Amul & Freshna, a music video for Sukhwinder Singh (Nashi Hi Nasha...); one titled 'Madhubala', one for Adnan Sami (Tera Chehera..) - which only added to her popularity.
She is fluent in Sindhi, Marathi, English, Hindi, and Gujerati.
She made her debut in Bollywood with 'Tum Se Aacha Kaun Hai' in 2002, but before that she had also acted in 'Akansha' and 'Lajja' in 1989 and 2001 respectively. Apart from acting in comedies, she has shown that she can be versatile for portraying the role of a woman with a split personality, and a conservative Muslim belle in love with an underworld don.
Acting was her childhood dream, and she admits that films are perfect for her and give her utmost satisfaction.
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